BUTR Documentation

Disabling Parts of External Functions


Sometimes you need to use a game function, but with some parts disabled. For example, Clan.OnCompanionAdded not only adds a hero to the clan companion list, but also adds him to the hero list.

public void OnCompanionAdded(Hero companion)
  OnHeroAdded(companion); // Function that adds the hero to the hero list

But what if we don’t want this? One way you could just copy the function and get the maintenance burden of it.
Another way would be to use a Harmony reverse patch. You can get a copy of the function and manually manipulate the IL code to disable the OnHeroAdded call.
We suggest a higher level approach, based on using scopes and IDisposable.

Scoped Disabling Technique

using allows us to create a scope. While this scope is active, we use a harmony patch that disables the execution of the unwanted function.

using (new AddCompanionActionHandler())
    // Within this scope any call to `OnHeroAdded` will be skipped.

The Harmony patch

public class AddCompanionActionHandler : IDisposable
    public AddCompanionActionHandler() => AddCompanionActionPatch.SkipChange = true;
    public void Dispose() => AddCompanionActionPatch.SkipChange = false;

internal class AddCompanionActionPatch
    internal static bool SkipChange = false;

    public static bool Enable(Harmony harmony)
        return true &
                original: AccessTools2.Method(typeof(Clan), "OnHeroAdded"),
                prefix: AccessTools2.Method(typeof(AddCompanionActionPatch), nameof(Prefix)));

    private static bool Prefix() => !SkipChange;
Last updated on 25 Nov 2022
Published on 25 Nov 2022
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